Business IT Security

Ever analysed the risks to your business should some of your IT fail?  Do you have a backup of your data?  What happens if you are hit by a virus, power surge or worse, malicious damage from within?  These are the things that only happen to others.

Our security analyst has experience working with defence IT systems and is able to develop security systems to meet your specific needs and requirements, this could include:

  • Developing back up strategy
  • Contingency planning for system failures
  • Developing virus defence strategy
  • Writing Security policies
  • Writing system operating procedures
  • Analysing weaknesses in your systems

We can also advise and supply security hardware from filter sockets to Uninterrupted Power Supplies.

Legal Requirements

The operation of Computers within a business environment is governed by several legal requirements.  We are able to give advice and guidance on current legislation including, DSE regulations, Data Protection Act, Computer Misuse Act and Licensing requirements.

If you feel that we may be able to help, give us a call.   

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To contact us:

0800 389 3373